As I have told teacher I would, I have.
Official ' Opening ' of 03Achieve'08 Blogwill be on
For now, it'll just be between
me and
So today was the
CharityBazaarI think it was rather
successful.Even though the hyper aura sort-of got to me.
Sorrysorry to whoever I shouted at.
Even if we do not win anything,
we'll always have the memories.Haha. I think our class was rather
united today.
Even though the boys were
fussing about how they don't want to be a part of it
at allthey still did anyways.
Everyone was, umm, scrambling (??) here and there..
it was great.
Ooh and I love our
class tee.
Even though the person got it all wrong.
It's still comfortable!
And I had no idea why I was so proud of it during the fire drill.The whole day too actually. HAHA!And our pretty teachers maintained their prettiness. HAHA!I don't have much picture with me.
But since Ms. Lai is sending me the pics
I'll just post one pic first.
credits to
Despite the change of form teacher
We still treat Ms. Lai as our form teacher.
That's my opinion anyways.Sorry, Ms. Loke~
I wonder what she wants to scold me for.
Fancy going all suspicious about it.
Fine, then I'll just say I don't have the mood to listen to her.
Uh, I think that
that^ actually belongs in my personal blog.
But haha. I rarely press [BackSpace] unless for typos.
Yeah Right.Anyways, I tend to post long posts.
Pardon me if I irked anyone(:
Although this isn't
that long.
" Every meeting is the beginning of a seperation "Ms Lai Zhen Yue, We'll surely miss you.