Sorry for making ya' all wait a day for the photos.
Anyways, yeah.
Lets start it off with a BANG!
Uh, I
didn't quite mean it literally.
Kindda only joking.
No, seriously guys.I was
kidding!What're you guys being mad at
Chin Wee for anyway?
Haahahah!Sure looks like they're mad at him for something, aye?
Though I dont think either of them realised this(: Now let's get serious.
Eeh~?I didn't mean
serious fighting mode.Haha.
*Starts imagining Japheth in a squad*Umm...
*Strikes imaginations immediately*Terrible terrible.
At least its not so hard with
Twenvin.Next destination

I like this photo.
And because I like it, that's why its up here.
Don't complain.SPIDER!!!

Sadly, that exclaim
[heading] had to be in a
lets disturb it! " tone.
rather than "
Eew! "
-shrieks-and-run-off'cos looking at the picture,
that's wrong.The beutiful view

To those who were busy disturbing the spiders.
Skip this!
Skip it and just allow your mind to process a beautiful picture instead.
Oh my!! Global warming, people!
Well, moving along now..
Searching for...?
Ms Loke and
Mdm Sunsearching for something.
Was it us?could it be that they secretly got lost?The problem
Oh I see now.
You didn't think you'd need one, right.Now, that's a problem.
Where are you to find one?*coughcough*You too?

Airil's searching for it too?
Or is he
just posing?Just posing~
Sir Standford Raffles " the second?
And I get that Airil and Japheth are posing as
immigrant coolies.But, why emo?that, i don't get.
Homesick, ye?One icon to another

It's like
cosplay without
any outfit.First, he's Sir Stanford Raffles
Now, he's
without the costume.
*coughunderwearontheoutsidecough*Pitt Stop

To the
Kent Ridge Park or something
before heading to the
War MemorialRandom
Like siblings?A little bit of History
Aunt giving a little talk on
History(:On the invasion of
Singapore by the
JapaneseKranji War memorial


Airil...You do realise that you're
seeking shade froma
girl, right? ^.^
Last but not least
The grave of 2nd President Benjamin Henry Sheares
Ms Loke!

Our class have some
potential stalkers!This
isn't the first time this has happened.
And there's quite a number of
MsLoke -stalked- pictures.Another one out of many
Ms Loke, beware!!
Class Photos!!

YEAH~!!P.S.: Support Interhouse Soccer Next Week!!Narimah desu!