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Tuesday, February 16, 2010' 3:46 PM
}just abit of imagination*
[[ ]]

My best wishes to all my classmates. Congrats on whatever school you all get. CONGRATULATIONS~ Til we all meet again :]

- [D]ayang [S]ofea

Wednesday, October 21, 2009' 3:49 PM
}just abit of imagination*
[[ It's... GRADUATION DAY!! ]]

In case you were sleeping/not being attentive/away/being annoyed or pestered or... etc, you get it

Out of memories sake,
and kind of partly for Ms Lai too..
here's the - umm how do i put this - sweet, i guess, speech from Japheth and Yais.
Or at least what was written on their speech paper.

A very good morning to everyone. [My name is Japheth (And I am Yais)] and we are from class 4 Achieve. We are here today to share our memories as a class, memories of accomplishment or challenges we've overcome which we will always treasure in our hearts.

We as a class, have learnt to put our differences aside and work together to achieve a common goal. In 2008, through much sweat and tears, our class own soccer team managed to attain the second position in our school's inter-class soccer competition. Our girls' netball team also brought glory to our class when they attained the third position. In the interclass competition, we were the only class which came in top three in both sports. Despite our numerous difference, we eventually managed to succeed.

Our class has also participated in the hamper wrapping event. We brought canned food from home and we wrapped them up as hampers. The hampers were given to the less fortunate families in our neighbourhood. This particular event opened our eyes to the fact that not everyone is as fortunate as us and that we should always be grateful for what we have.

The fond memories of last year's Charity Bazaar are still fresh in our minds. Despite the sweat and effort we have placed in this meaningful event, our class, and not forgetting Ms Lai, stood out from among other classes to clinch the Best Advertising/decorated stall award. This reminded us that hard work and pain always pays off.

Last year's 'Be Yourself Day' was testament to our class's team spirit. We decided to dress up as doctors and when 'Be Yourself Day' finally arrived, we walked into the parade square, brandishing our stethoscopes and white doctor's robes. Everyone around us stared in awe. Even though we did not win the Best Dress Competition, we were still elated as, for once, we were united as a class and did something productive.

The things that makes us special are our class-tee - which has our personal caricature on it. This makes us special as not two are the same. Just as not two people have the same personality.

Furthermore, our class has the most pair of twins as compared to any other classes. To be exact, there are 5 pairs of twins. Isn't that amazing?
Yes, and not forgetting that there will be an additional member joining the family.

And who might that be, [Japheth]?
None other than Ms Loke's upcoming baby!

We would now like to thank our various teachers. Miss Loke, for being like our second mother. Miss Ham, for guiding us through this semester. Mr Yeo, for your undivided attention and everlasting patience. Mr Joseph Tan, for giving us your many words of wisdom. Mr Henry, for " caring for us so much ". Ms Lai, for being our previous form teacher and our sunshine on a rainy day. And last but not least, our maths teacher, Mr Chong, who is our way of hope, who would always cheer us up with his jokes and antics but ultimately, he taught us how to enjoy and embrace mathematics with open arms.

As the saying goes, time and tide waits for no man and thus, we should adapt to changes and move on in life. Therefore, we end our speech by wishing all graduates and teachers that inspired us, a big thank you and may your life be as fruitful even after you have left Evergreen and continue striving for your 'O' Levels......(=

Yup that's it.

Although, especially since we're all " oh-so-happy " to graduate and leave the school,
do work especially hard for the upcoming Os.
Moreover if you DONT want to come back to EVGSS for a whole other year next year.
You don't, right?

So it's just down to this two weeks.
Stop procrastinating!
Like as Ms Loke says:
" Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments. "
Or at least it was written at the very much non-readable teacher's message.

Well work hard and then we can truly say:
" Congratulations on graduating! "

Also, once again, as Ms Lai said:
" With meetings there's separations.
But there's also reunions. "

Let's hope that our future reunions,
organized or accidental,
will be under good conditions, aye?

Narimah says: "Enjoy! ... No wait. Study!! "

Here's a little graduation dedication.
A nice change from Graduation - Vitamin C, no?

The Call - Regina Spektor
(It's lyrics-video so no point watching)

It started out as a feeling
Which than grew into a hope
Which then turned into a quiet thought
Which then turned into a quiet word

And then that word grew louder and louder
Til it was a battle cry

I'll come back
When you call me
No need to say goodbye

Just because everything's changing
Doesnt mean it's never been this way before
All you can do is try to know who your friends are
As you head off to the war

Pick a star on the dark horizon
and follow the light

You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say goodbye

You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say goodbye

Now we're back to the beginning
It's just a feeling and no one knows yet
But just because they can't feel it too
Doesnt mean that you have to forget

Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
Til they're before your eyes

You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say goodbye

You'll come back
When they call you
No need to say goodbye

As we each fight our personal " Big Os War "
We'll still be there to help each other.
We're still (or was) a class and that wont change (despite the tense)
There's always hope and support.

And when we move on with life
and this end brings a new beginning for us each,
don't put and end to the memories.

And one day, when we have our reunion down the road maybe
We'll create new memories
as we'll refresh old ones.

And I think the last para speaks for itself.

P.S.S (Or is it P.P.S. ? )
The Graduation Day Teacher's Message is up on Litespeed !!

Sunday, June 28, 2009' 3:18 PM
}just abit of imagination*
[[ No more relaxing! Umm.. Maybe just once in a while.. ]]


The GoldenMonth June Holidays will be over tomorrow. o(O.0)o
Did you guys enjoy it?
Probably not, neh?

Anyways, don't forget to bring
Travel Declaration Form and
Oral Digital Thermometer

Also, keep working hard to ACHIEVE the best, aye?
Good Luck for Prelims AND O'Levels.

Speaking of which, I shouldn't be here now. Haha.

Reviving the dead, Narimah-desu!

Friday, May 29, 2009' 8:13 PM
}just abit of imagination*
[[ Class Photos ]]

For those who didn't buy all three of 'em.

Formal Picture

Informal 01

Informal 02
Courtesy of Elizabeth Ong, yeah?(:

Enjoy your not-much-of-the-hols. ROAR!(:

Sunday, March 22, 2009' 5:57 PM
}just abit of imagination*


I seriously don't get the timetable.

Why's there two timings per period?
On what occasion do we use the first timing,
and on what the second?

Do they really have to push our recess on Tuesday?
Because, FYI! (Actually its FTI! Theirs, not yours)
some people go to school as per normal on Tuesdays.

And do they really have to end it at 3.15 pm.
Oh well, at least it's just the Literature students.
Gambatte neh, the three of you! ^.^

And we're all going to be banded for physics!
Hang in there, guys!

And OMG!
I just realised this.
We start school at 9.15 on Tuesdays.
Guess I'll just bring breakfast to school then.

The Golden Week has ended!

Everyone~, have you finished your holiday assignment?

Saturday, March 7, 2009' 11:32 AM
}just abit of imagination*
[[ Excursion: Battlefield Sites in Singapore ]]

Sorry for making ya' all wait a day for the photos.
( Umm.. )

Anyways, yeah.
Here goes:

Went to Labrador Park and Kranji War Memorial
Yesterday, 06.03.09
As because the school was kicking us out
whilst still making it a school day.

Anyways, here's the much anticipated pictures.
Well at least, 27 out of the 134 pictures.!!
Please dont ask for all.
Unless you're willing to buy me a new laptop.
Oh, make it hp brand yah..?
and - okay fine. not the point.

Lets start it off with a BANG!
Uh, I didn't quite mean it literally.

Kindda only joking.
No, seriously guys.
I was kidding!
What're you guys being mad at Chin Wee for anyway?
Sure looks like they're mad at him for something, aye?
Though I dont think either of them realised this(:

Now let's get serious.
I didn't mean serious fighting mode.
*Starts imagining Japheth in a squad*
*Strikes imaginations immediately*
Terrible terrible.
At least its not so hard with Twenvin.

Next destination
I like this photo.
And because I like it, that's why its up here.
Don't complain.

Sadly, that exclaim [heading] had to be in a
" lets disturb it! " tone.
rather than " Eew! "-shrieks-and-run-off
'cos looking at the picture,
that's wrong.

The beutiful view
To those who were busy disturbing the spiders.

Skip this!
Skip it and just allow your mind to process a beautiful picture instead.
Oh my!! Global warming, people!

Well, moving along now..

Searching for...?
Ms Loke and Mdm Sun
searching for something.
Was it us?
could it be that they secretly got lost?

The problem
Oh I see now.
You didn't think you'd need one, right.
Now, that's a problem.
Where are you to find one?

You too?
Airil's searching for it too?
Or is he just posing?

Just posing~
" Sir Standford Raffles " the second?
And I get that Airil and Japheth are posing as
immigrant coolies.
But, why emo?
that, i don't get.
Homesick, ye?

One icon to another
It's like cosplay without any outfit.
First, he's Sir Stanford Raffles
Now, he's Superman.
without the costume.

Pitt Stop
To the Kent Ridge Park or something
before heading to the
War Memorial

Like siblings?

A little bit of History
Aunt giving a little talk on History(:
On the invasion of Singapore by the Japanese

Kranji War memorial

Um.. Airil...
You do realise that you're seeking shade from
a girl, right? ^.^

Last but not least
The grave of 2nd President Benjamin Henry Sheares

Ms Loke!
Our class have some potential stalkers!
This isn't the first time this has happened.
And there's quite a number of MsLoke -stalked- pictures.

Another one out of many
Ms Loke, beware!!

Class Photos!!


P.S.: Support Interhouse Soccer Next Week!!

Narimah desu!

Thursday, October 30, 2008' 9:26 PM
}just abit of imagination*

Since I'm depended on to blog
(even though I'm not updating my own blog)
Well, here goes.

Last Wednesday, (yes, 1 week late. so?)
it was the last day of school.
That, of course, not including the bridging programme.

So the school allowed us to have a wet spring cleaning.

Actually, it's just a way to make us do the "dirty work" for them. Haha.

And even still, this many just prefer to sit and watch.

Well, at least we have some hardworking students who bother.
Even though to a minimum.. o(-.-)0
So anyways, I'd like to let the pictures do the talking now.

Since some people prefer taking photos than helping. *ehemsehems*

TheTWINS at work.
Seeing this, you can actually tell that
this twin do housework.
Unlike some boys.
Yes, Peter. I am referring to you.

Hardworking students taking off their shoes
Just so it wont get wet.
Maybe some people didn't want to help cause..
they have stinky feet? Haha.

Apparently, the free show.

Is it just me or..
the number of gentlemen are decreasing?
Let the girl do the labour, huh?

Ms Loke took this, somehow.
While I was sliding across (and almost falling)
Surprisingly, she didn't see it. And thankfully.

Just more hardworking students.
With people who don't deserve the "limelight"

So they eventually decided to help.
I guess 'work hard, play hard' huh?
There's always time to pose, aye?

Clearing clearing..

The boys who.. helped. Oh wow.

And the infamous broken broom/brush.

And that was the spring cleaning.
Apparently, this is going to be a long post.
Seeing as to I'm including the TP visit AND the URA visi.

Sighsighsigh. Pity me.
I wouldn't mind if uploading images takes 5 secconds
but 5 minutes per 5 photos at a time for over 30 photos
can i.. pass?

So anyways,
after the spring cleaning..
we had a short poly visit to Temasek Polytechnic
about some aerospace engineering thingy.
- No comments -
So, let's just put the pictures.

Since I had to scan the pictures,
I realised that there are loads of Mr. Yong pictures.
There are like, 9 of him from the TP trip pictures alone.
That, excluding the pictures I didn't post.

Although it is a no wonder.
Afterall, they are taken by the original Mrs Yong o(^.^)o

Now for the URA trip..
let's get this over and done with so I can sleep, yaww

I have no idea what HuiXia and Dayang are taking so..
let us all just use our imaginations for the captions, okay?

Now that's that.
Anyways, anyone up for a class outing?
How 'bout a picnic/bbq somewhere during the hols?

Narimah lahh..

Better Than the Best
Harder Than the Rest


Official blog of 0304 'Achieve 0809

03ACH Form Teacher: Ms Lai Zhen Yue
04ACH Form Teacher: Ms Loke Lay Fang
04ACH Form Teacher: Ms Ham
Co-Form Teacher: Mdm Sun
Co.Form Teacher: Ms Loke Lay Fang
English Teachers: Mdm Keseven [Band 1];
English Teachers: Mr Edward [Band 2];
English Teachers: Mrs Raj [Band 3];
English Teachers: Ms Mazlinda [Band 4];
English Teachers: Mr Chua [Band 5]
E. Maths Teacher: Mdm Tan Poh Kim
E. Maths Teacher: Mr Chong
A. Maths Teacher: Mr Vijay
A. Maths Teacher: Mr Chong
Chemistry Teacher: Ms Loke Lay Fang
Physics Teacher: Mr Peter Yeo
Social Studies Teacher: Ms Vatchala
Social Studies Teacher: Mr Zainuddin
Social Studies Teacher: Mr Henry Kwek

Class Committee:
Chairperson: MD.Yais
Vice-Chairperson: Nicole
EnglishRep.: Japheth
E.MathsRep.: Md.Yafiq
A.MathsRep.: HsiangYi Jacquelyn
ChemistryRep.: Twenvin
PhysicsRep.: ChengLip
SocialStudiesRep.: Kelly
P.E.Rep.: HaoRen & Huixia; MD Airil; Narimah;
AVARep.: SongTeck





Picture: YheNightSheDied
Picture Editor: YUUKA